Leave of Absence Request
Pupils attend school for a maximum of 190 days each academic year. An attendance target figure of 95% is vital for your child’s educational progress.
Leave of absence is granted at the discretion of the Headteacher. The Local Education Authority expects all parents/carers to ensure that their children attend school whenever possible. Absences due to holidays taken during school time could hinder academic progress and will not be authorized.
If you wish to apply for your child to be absent from school, please complete this form and return it to school at least four weeks before your intended departure date.
If the school refuses your request and the child is still taken out of school, he/she may lose his/her place at school. Applications to be reinstated must be made to the London Borough of Barnet.
We are asked to WARN you that if you take your child out of school without authorisation, the Local Education Authority has the power to issue Fixed-Penalty Notices of £60, rising to £100 if not paid within 28 days (Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2004).
The Head will consider the following points before authorizing leave:
- The child: Previous attendance history, age and educational stage.
- Other factors: Time of year (eg SATS etc implications) and the nature of the trip.