We are guided by individual needs and make appropriate adaptations and acquire additional resources where necessary.
Access to premises
- disabled parking available in the staff car park
- ramp to facilitate access to the main building from the key stage one playground
- ramp to facilitate access the year 1 classrooms from the key stage one playground
- unisex disabled toiletmain building/ shower
- signage around the school is clear
- double doors in some parts of the building
Leaving the premises
If children or adults have a physical disability, where appropriate, a risk assessment will be undertaken and a designated escort will be available in case of evacuation
Access to information
Class Dojo is used at the main communication channel between school and parents (Class Dojo enables families to translate all classroom announcements and messages into their preferred language)
Access to curriculum
- adaptive and personalised learning
- reasonable adjustments are made based on the need of a child(ren) e.g. adapted seating, writing implements, access to ICT, access learning aided by technology, timetable etc
- participation in after school clubs, leisure and cultural activities or school visits
- access to the PE curriculum through adaptation
Adaptations are made to meet dietary requirements
As a school, we are happy to discuss individual access requirements. Specific health and medical requirements will be discussed on an individual basis. Parents are welcome to enquire or visit at any time to discuss any concerns.